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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is an ancient style of meditation originating in India and it's a Sanskrit term for ‘yogic sleep’. In Yoga Nidra, you go into a deep state of conscious rest that enables you to tap into your intuitive mind, creativity and health. It is the technique of psychic sleep or sleep awareness. This practice can be described as many things such as self-realization and a systematic method of conscious relaxation.

In Yoga Nidra, you don’t exactly fall asleep, but you do go into a deep relaxation state and a combined alert awareness. By repeating the practice of Yoga Nidra meditation you can connect to your inner self for healing, for transformation, and inspiration. The trick in this meditation is to relax with awareness, remain effortless and consciously relax the body. 

Yoga nidra was originally discovered and developed by yogis as a way of transcending sleep. A way of gaining the benefits of relaxation without actually going unconscious. And, in modern times, this technique works as an antidote to our modern busy lifestyle that is accumulated with everyday stress. A 30 minutes of Yoga nidra can offer the equivalent of 3 hours of a traditional sleep.

Moreover, Yoga Nidra is a closing yoga asana that is an essential end to any yoga sequence. Practitioners lie in the Savasana position (Corpse Pose in Yoga) and maintain a state of relaxed awareness, lingering between consciousness and sleep.

Science Of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra has been said to regulate hormones, stabilize glucose levels, and alleviate post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Though it may sound like big talk for a practice that involves nothing but lying on your back for half an hour, the evidence says otherwise. The benefits of yoga nidra sleep meditation have been endorsed by not just yoga gurus but by neuroscientists as well.

How To Practice Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra is accessible to anyone, it can be done almost anywhere and it’s a simple way to start a meditation practice. Having said that, it is always best to start any meditation practice under the supervision of an expert.

  1. First of all, Yoga Nidra sleep meditation is best done on an empty stomach. Avoid doing this meditation after a full-meal.

  2. Find a comfortable clutter-free space.

  3. Lie down on your back in the corpse posture of yoga (Shavasana). Now close your eyes and relax. Do deep inhalation and exhalation. Also remember to take slow and relaxed breaths in between.

  4. Now start by gently taking your attention to your right foot. Hold your attention there for a few seconds, while relaxing your foot. Then gently move your attention up to the right knee, right thigh and right hip. Become aware of your entire right leg limb by limb. 

  5. Similarly, repeat the process with your left leg.  

  6. Take your attention to other parts of your body moving upward from the genital area, stomach, navel region, chest.

  7. Now take your attention to the right shoulder, right arms, palms, and fingers. Repeat this process on your left shoulder.

  8. Then move your attention to the throat face, and lastly the top of your head. 

  9. Continue to be aware of the whole body while feeling the stillness and peace

  10. Take a deep breath and observe the sensations in your body. Relax in this state for a couple of minutes. 

  11. Slowly becoming aware of your body and surroundings, and keep lying down for a few minutes.

  12. You may sit up slowly and gently. Thereafter, slowly and gradually open your eyes. 

Benefits Of Yoga Nidra:- 

Practice around 30 minutes to 1 hour of yoga nidra and you’ll start feeling more rested and restored. Here is a list of some of the amazing benefits of Yoga nidra sleep meditation.

  1. Regular Yoga nidra meditation leads to reduced rage, anxiety and emotional reactivity. 

  2. This form of meditation helps activate the relaxation response and improve the functioning of your nervous system and endocrine system, which affects your hormones. 

  3. It will help in detaching from unwanted thoughts. As you immerse yourself in a resting state in yoga nidra, your mind begins to quiet and you begin to develop a deeper awareness of yourself and recognize that your thoughts are simply thoughts that come and go.

  4. It’s an efficient practice to get a good sleep. Include yoga nidra as your before going to bed at night you’ll fall asleep faster and sleep longer. No wonder meditation and yoga experts advise Yoga nidra for sleep.

  5. Over time, Yoga nidra sleep meditation creates more space in your mind, opens up the window to your soul, and lets you connect deeper with your consciousness.

  6. Another mind-blowing benefit is its ability to boost the body’s natural capacity to heal and renew. 

If you have never tried Yoga Nidra before, give it a chance. Allow your body and brain an opportunity for an in-depth restoration and regeneration, and begin a foundation for radiant health and well being.