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The Color Pink

Have you ever wondered why pink is considered to be the favorite color of girls? Why is it that many girls are so fond of this color? Because this is the color that shows love and care and these two are the attributes that are deeply embedded in the personality of every woman who knows the true meaning of love. 
But that does not mean that every girl would be easily attracted to this color. Each individual is unique and their choices are way different from others. But yes, when we look at it with a neutral mindset, we can say that pink color has the ability to awe people of any age or gender. 

What does the pink color represent?

The pink color stands for love, compassion and understanding. It is a color that is affectionate and holds the power to love unconditionally. Truly caring and passionate, this color tends to exhibit the loving energies and is therefore, considered to be a feminine color. 
Pink color is formed by combining the colors - red and white. Due to this reason, it exhibits the passion of red softened by the purity and serenity of white. This color depicts a gentler form of love that is guided by passion and nurtured with care. 
It is a very sensitive color that shows kindness and empathy towards others. It gives a ray of hope in times of despair and ensures that everything will turn out to be okay when the storm will be over. 
The positive vibes of this color has proved to calm the senses and helps in getting rid of negative emotions like anger and violence. This might be the reason that many aggressive prisoners are kept in a pink room for some time to pacify their violent instincts. 
If you are in love with this color then it would simply mean that you have a need to be loved or to shower your love on others. That is why this color is so much associated with women because as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters or any role that they play in life, they express unconditional love and affectionate care. 
It is the innocent nature of pink that appeals to almost every person on this earth. People have created prejudices against pink saying that it is a girlish color but this is not true. Anyone can wear this color and uncomplicate their life by expressing their love and gratitude towards others. 
But too much pink may often make you irresponsible and this would not be good for you in the long run. So it is advisable to treat yourself with this color to bring alive the innocent child within you but never refrain from your responsibilities as an adult under the cover of this color. 
Overusing pink color may weaken your self-esteem and reduce your worth in your own eyes. To overcome this issue, you can club this color with the darker shades of green, blue, black or gray to refine its elegance and strengthen your self-reliance. 

The Positive and Negative traits of pink color

All the colors in the world have their own share of positives and negatives and the pink color is no exception. Following are its positive and negative traits:
The Bright Side: unconditional love, kindness, sensitivity, concern, hope, calming effects, nurturing and caring for others.
The Gloomy Side: physical weakness, lower self esteem, immaturity, lacking will power and overly emotional. 
Various Effects of Pink Color
Pink color is a really appreciable color that holds the power of pacifying negative emotions that bubble up inside you. There are many different ways in which this color affects your day-to-day life. Some of these effects include:

  1. It makes you feel calm and composed by suppressing your negative energies.
  2. It nurtures your need to love others and to get love and admiration in return. 
  3. The pink color brings you closer to your loved ones by creating warmth in your relations. 
  4. It reflects your immaturity and the innocence of the child that lives inside you at all junctures of life. 

Although this color sometimes makes you sensitive and weakens you physically, it still remains to be a soothing color that caters to your emotional needs and ensures that you are never denied the hope of a better future. 

Different Shades of Pink

The pink color exists in the universe in a variety of shades that have different connotations. Some of these shades are:

  1. Blush - A paler hue of pink that relates to the sensuality and sexual appeal of an individual.
  2. Orchid - When lavender mixes with pink then this color originates and encourages unconventionality in all aspects of life. 
  3. Hot Pink - As the name suggests, this color has a passionate nature with a little bit of playfulness attached to it. 
  4. Fuchsia - When pink fuses with darker shades of blue, then the outcome is the fuchsia color that exhibits the qualities of love and responsibility going hand in hand. 

All these shades of pink are a feast to the eyes and very appealing to the senses. But the shades are not just limited to those mentioned above. There are many other variations of this color that stands for unconditional love, understanding and warmth.